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23-ARPU-42903 DC Hen.
Very Inbred "DE DOLLE"
item #: 99425

23-ARPU-42903 DC Hen. Inbred "DE DOLLE"  the most famous dove Jan Aarden of all time. Due to its outstanding performance and special value of the shares, "Dolle" has become the best distant pigeon in the world.This can undoubtedly be regarded as the bird that stood at the base of the Jan Aarden stamp of the 1970s and 1980s. The number of pigeons tested with the blood of the "Dolle" passing through their veins is huge now. Dolle died in 1985, at eighteen, in the attic of Marijn van Geel. It was a typical Jan Aarden dove with beautiful chestnut brown eyes and silky feathers, characteristics that are transmitted by the bird to its descendants.In 1975, "Dolle" was transferred to a tribal nursery and was intended to stay there.In the meantime, she won a car for her owner and created an impressive result. During her career, "Dolle" participated in competitions 17 times and therefore won 17 prizes in distance racing.

The most important results of "DE DOLLE" are:

1st    Provincial St. Vincent              1.684 pigeons 980 km

3rd    National  St. Vincent               6.844 pigeons 980 km

1st    Provincial Dax                           1.032 pigeons 970 km

3rd    National  Dax                            3.649 pigeons 970 km

9th    Provincial Limoges                  1.610 pigeons 650 km

12th  National St. Vincent                 6.917 pigeons 980 km

20th  Provincial Chateauroux          2.176 pigeons 580 km

22nd Provincial Chateauroux          2.425 pigeons 580 km

39th  Provincial Moulins                  5.146 pigeons 590 km

59th  Provincial Moulins                  4.612 pigeons 590 km

66th  National Dax                             3.561 pigeons 970 km

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From the same Seller: 1 bird = $70; each additional = $10
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$ 200.00
Viewed by 149
Started 01/08/2024 00:08:00
Ends 01/12/2024 19:52:58
Pacoima, California, USA
Auction TypeStandard
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