Donated to Bayshore Pigeon Club to help with expenses.
Sire was imported mid year 2023 bought on PIPA from J. Doldersum & Zoon auction. He is a GrandSon of Best Kittel 1st National AceBird Sprint KBDB 2017 and 4th National AceBird Sprint KBDB 2016.
Dam was imported in 2022 and bought on auction from Tomasz Wiczling. She is a GrandDaughter of of Greek God who sired over 8x 1st places.
GrandSire on sire side is Son Best Kittel bred 1st NPO Afdeling 9 Monteuil 3,029 p., 1st Ace YB Provincial.
Grandparents on the Dam side have bred many top racing results birds.
Born in August 2023, believed to be a hen, but not 100% sure.