684 is a 2020 pigeon bigger size cock bird with FANTASTIC body , great wing and eye . Please see Pedigree . Satisfaction Guaranteed !
Listing for a friend . Thanks for looking .
Original Description ,
There are no better Janssens in the world today
Mr. Chic Brooks of Hapyco Lofts flew to Europe to purchase the best Janssens in the world from the late Jos Van Limpt fondly known as De Klak. He was a very close friend of the Janssen brothers and purchased birds from them for over 50 years. Chic was after only the best, that being the famous 613 lines. He purchased a brother, a son and daughter of 613. He then bought additional DeKlaks to be able to have an outstanding family for Hapyco Lofts. Chic spent $130,000 for these few birds and the DeKlak auction took in $517.375 for 66 birds!
AU 07 H 46 Blue Check Cock and AU 08 H 8297 Blue Bar Hen are inbred on both sides to this famous 613 De Klak Cock.