I have enjoyed the sport of Pigeon Racing since 1970, and I am now in my 80’s. I need to start parting with the birds I love and focus on taking care of the woman I love. The attached documents are presented with the permission of Dr. Michael Brown.
This is a son of “Super Star” and “Mega Star”. Super Star was First California State Hall of Fame 2004 YB. Mega Star was First California State Hall of Fame 2005 YB and club Champion YB 2005. She was 1st 163 miles, 1st 164 miles, 1st 270 miles, 3rd 115 miles, 9th 300 miles and 11th 234 miles! Although he is getting old, 1114 is in very good health. In 2023 I had him mated with 16-SKY-25 and let them raise two rounds of babies. All four eggs were fertile, they raised four nice babies and both were very good parents. This is a very well-bred pigeon. Please check out the attached documents.