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BE 18.4070903 BBH Princess
Victoria Falls Winning Bloodline
item #: 92746

Davy's Princess - BE 18.4070903 Blue Bar Hen

This hen was raised by Tom Van Gaver and raced by his brother-in-law Davy Neirynck, who Tom got into pigeons when Davy married his sister a little over five years ago.

Even though Davy had no experience in racing, was new to the sport, and was surrounded by good pigeon fanciers, 903 showed herself as a true princess . . . and named Davy's Princess as 903 was his favorite bird.

Those who study One Loft Race results may have read that Brinkmann won the 2022 Victoria Falls One Loft Race with a Tom Van Gaver bird winning over 110,000 USD . . . then selling the bird for 120,000 Euro on PIPA.

I have three children of 903 that I have placed in my stock loft . . . and because I do not like to keep prisoners I am offering 903 for less than I paid for her.

If you want a good breeding hen please check out her pedigree.

You will notice that De Princess and Smart Princess are her grandmothers. Smart Princess is the mother to the Finn Pair hen. In other words, she has the right stuff !

No import fees as the bird is already in the United States.

If I don't sell her I will keep her in the stock loft and place a few of her young birds in the Florida Derby next year.

For questions call 430.288.1999 

Item Owner
dmzvet View Sellers Auctions
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Shipping Costs
From the same Seller: 1 bird = $70; each additional = $10
Shipping Limits
Will Ship Anywhere; Out of USA will incur extra charges
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Time Left
Auction Closed
Current Bid
Starting Bid
$ 1500.00
Viewed by 298
Started 10/09/2023 18:00:00
Ends 10/12/2023 11:52:13
Lindale, Texas, USA
Auction TypeStandard
All times are central