Lot 9 GFL 3-2023 Blue Pied Wft Male Direct son of RAVEN
GFL 3-2023 – Direct son of RAVEN when mated to LOVINA (GFL 54-20).
Sire: RAVEN – 3rd Place Winner & 2nd Ace Pigeon Golden Algarve Race
in Portugal with over 5,000 entries. An incredible breeder – father to
4 big international one loft race winners:
6th Place Pattaya International One Loft Final Race Winner
8th Place South Africa Million Dollar Final Race Winner
9th Place Hoosier Classic International One Loft Final Race Winner
10th Place Victoria Falls World Challenge Final Race Winner
Dam: LOVINA (GFL 54-20) a full sister to THOMAS 6 (DV 01696-18-6)-
The Golden Algarve Final Race winner in Portugal competing against
2,132 birds in the final race from 315 miles and winning by 24 minutes
ahead of the 2nd place bird. LOVINA is a granddaughter of the famous
ROMARIO – responsible for many top international one loft race winners.