Au 20 Lonestar 226 Silver Cock/ 239 Bluebar Hen, Very Nice Houben pair bred and flown by Vern Claussen. I am moving and have to continue to reduce down my birds.
226 - Silver Houben- Cock - Flown through 300mi as a yb, 1st 219mi, 9th 219mi, 5th 115mi.
239 - Bluebar Houben - Hen - Flown through 300mi as a yb. 7th @ 219mi.Full Sister to AU 20 Lonestar 203: 1st 291mi, 3rd 219mi, 2nd 219mi, 2nd 115mi., 20th 142mi., "239" Has bred 1st 177mi, 20th 100mi