Bidding Page
Kannibaal - Picasso - Meeuwke 12
Kannibaal - Picasso - Meeuwke 12 Cock
item #: 76873

ARPU 115948/22

BB Cock


Father is bred back to

B-95-6246005 De Kannibaal.

Winner of

1st National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance KBDB 1996

1st Marne 856 birds

1st Dourdan 727 birds

1st Dourdan 694 birds

1st Noyon 157 birds

"Kannibaal" is a to brother "Den Bourges"

Winner of

1st Bourges 6,761 Birds

2nd National 40,401 Birds.

"Kannibaal" is the sire of

"Golden Lady"

C. & G. Koopman No 1 breeder

"Diamond Lady'"

The super breeder of Pieter Veenstra

"Kannibaal" is grandfather to

"Geschelpt Kannibaaltje"

Marijke Vink's Ace breeding hen.

(Kannibaal must be one of the best breeding cocks in

the world). Dirk Van Dijck



NL-03-1731705 "Charley" World Famous Breeder.

Best of all his children and grandchildren breed winners.

Best son of “Kleine Dirk” 

Charley’s full sister “277” has bred winners in Taiwan


Charley bred "Fast as Lightning"

1. Heverlee 9,076 b.

5. NPO Le Mans 11,248 b.

7. Nat. GP Le Mans East 25,000 b.

8. NPO Orleans 18,127 b.

9. St. Ghislain 4,439 b - Racing Pigeon Auction

Koopman and Kleine Dirk…Remains At Number One…. – Syndicate Lofts




Bred to PICASSO and to the MEEUWKE 12line

"Picasso" himself was the 20th Overall Ace pigeon at the 2012 World Ace Challenge! Maybe more important is that his mother is a Double Granddaughter of "TINKELBEL"...The absolute best breeding hen of Arie Dyjkstra, the bloodline that excels in South Africa and adds toughness to your current family. 
"Picasso" in his first year bred 2nd Equal first at The Carolina One Loft Race 300 miles with only 2 birds sent out of him . Everyone that sees Picasso when visiting the loft are just Amazed at his stature and his looks. He just looks the part.

His Son,"Young Picasso" in 2014  bred 4th and 5th Champion birds in the combine in old birds which were nest mates! ! Also in 2014 he sired  2nd Champion bird and Second Overall Grand Average Ace at the 2014 North American Breeders Cup 5 race series including 3rd Equal First at 370 miles!  This series of races was 100,200,200,275 and 370 miles which were flown in a 26 day period!! Is this Toughness?


MEEUWKE 12 and three times to BONT BEAUTY.


      100% Sakis Minovgioudis

Mother of

      Responsible for winners +200,000 US Dollar in 7 years

Bred from ‘Saki Moon’ - bought at PIPA auction Canada

      Top breeder Fred & Dori Goodchild (Canada)

      - Father to ‘Super Crack 135’

      Top breeder at John Georgopoulos & breeder

      1. acebird America’s Int. Challenge 2015

      Winner of 38,500 US Dollar

      11. final America’s Int. Challenge 2015

      with 1,100 birds at the start

      3. equal 1. final race 600 km

      2. acebird & 2. Royal Flush winner North American Breeders Cup

Grandchild to ‘Supercrack Talent’, his best children are

      - ‘Amerigo’; Top breeder Wout Spierings

            (Grand)father 3x 1. prize & 4.-30.-39.-43.-63.-71.-73. NPO

      - ‘Saki Moon’; Top breeder Fred & Dori Goodchild (Canada)

            ‘Saki Moon’ bred ‘Supercrack 135’, top breeder John Georgopoulos (USA)

      - ‘Miss Thessaloniki II’; as YL 1. Chateauroux 166 birds / 25. NPO 13,512 birds

            Sakis Minovgioudis & nest mate bred 1. Sens 1,593 birds / 5. prov. 12,993

      - ‘Talent Rookie’; Super breeder for Dieter Siebert, Germany

            Offspring won 1. best YL cock 2,600 members & 1.-2. prize 760 birds

      - ‘Bont Talent’; at Zbigniew Dijk Poland breeder 2. YB ace approx. 3,500 birds

      - ‘Miss Montreal’; sold via PIPA & super breeder at Christos Melithidis (Canada)

Grandchild to ‘Meeuwke 12’

      Mother to 15x 1. prize winners!!!

      1. Strombeek1,739 birds … 1. Harchies  1,277 birds … 1. Menen 1,100 birds

      1. Chantilly1,002 birds … 1. Strombeek  930 birds … 1. Blois 678 birds

      1. Duffel446 birds … 1. Mariemburg 431 birds … 1. Peronne 340 birds

      1. Pommeroeul296 birds … 1. Epernay  283 birds … 1. Bouillon 260 birds

      1. Strombeek201 birds … 1. Peronne  147 birds … 1. Strombeek 128 birds

‘Meeuwke 12’ is mother to amazing breeding pigeons

      - ‘Greek God’; Top breeder Tomasz Wiczling & (g.)father 10x 1. & 3x equal 1.

      - ‘Pure Gold’; (Grand)father to winners of 13x 1. prize

      - ‘Amerigo’; Top breeder Wout Spierings

            (Grand)father 3x 1. prize & 4.-30.-33.-39.-43.-63.-71.-73. NPO

      - ‘Saki Moon’; Top breeder Fred & Dori Goodchild (Canada)

            ‘Saki Moon’ bred ‘Supercrack 135’, top breeder John Georgopoulos (USA)

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Item Owner
JBMHertzog View Sellers Auctions
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Shipping Costs
From the same Seller: 1 bird = $70; each additional = $10
Shipping Limits
Will Ship Anywhere; Out of USA will incur extra charges
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Time Left
Auction Closed
Current Bid
$ 100.00
Starting Bid
$ 100.00
Viewed by 268
Started 11/22/2022 13:55:00
Ends 11/27/2022 21:00:00
Brooksville, Florida, USA
Auction TypeStandard
All times are central