GD of Thomas 6, Marple, Mix & Miss Maurice! "Madam St. Clair"
4 One Loft Legends in 1 Hen! (Photo'd During Moult).
item #: 74339
Band: ARPU-54136-2022
Sex: Female
Color: Blue Bar Splash
Hatched: 7/09/22
•Granddaughter of Marple (Victoria Falls Final Race Winner).
•Granddaughter of Thomas 6 (Golden Algarve Final Race Winner).
•Granddaughter of Mix (SAMDPR Final Race Winner).
•Granddaughter of Miss Maurice (1st Knockout Winner SAMDPR).
We all dream of the ultimate combination in breeding. Can you possibly beat Marple, Thomas 6, Mix and Miss Maurice as grandparents? It just doesn’t get any better than this!