Buyer has to pay Import fees of $200,This bird is still in the Europe.
For the transport informations of this bird for sale, send a e-mail to : &
The quarentine and transport during 3-5 month !!
How does the quarentine works after you bought the bird on ipigeon ?
after the auction ,we wil book the quarentinplace for your bird that you bought on ipigeon and make the quarentin papperworks ready for you
(you wil receive a e-mail of the booking from the quarentinestation)
the bird wil stay 1 month at the quarentinestation in europe and wil be shipped afterword to Canada
in Canada wil the bird stay 90 days at the quarentinestation,afterword the bird wil get shipped to the US,in the between time wil the quarentineagent send you a invoice to pay the 200 usd quarentinefee,the bird wil send to your home after the quarentinefee has been payed
What you need to pay in total ?
price of the bird + 60 usd shippingfee for inside of the US (you pay this to ipigeon) + 200 usd quarentinfee (you pay the 200 usd to the quarentinagent from the US),all the costs you pay in the US !
If you have any question just send my a e-mail :