Nice little cock July hatch
Brother of: (Bolt parent 1st breeding year)
- *1st place 100 m Sprint - CR
- *1st place 150 m / 775 b - Dash
One of the Best breeder in loft
Father of:
- *1st - 150 mile - Crooked River
- *1st - 250 mile - Crooked River
- *1st - 300 mile - Crooked River
- 1st - 2nd Car Race 3 bird team
- 2nd - 1st Car Race 3 bird team
- 4th - 2nd Car Race 2 bird team
- 6th - Grand Average C. River
- 7th place 150 mile - 2500 b - HC
- 8th Place Car Race #5 (2802 bird)
- 8th Place Car Average Winner
- 8th - 1st Hotspot race - VF 200 mile OB
- 8th - Ace Bird - 2018 - VF
- 9th - Final Race - VF 602 km - OB
- 11th Place Knock out Winner
- 14th - 350 mile - Hoosier Classic
- 24th - 162 km - 1680 B - VF
- 26th - 2nd Hotspot race - VF 282 mile
- 26th - 350 mile - Crooked River
- 28th - 133 km - 1750 B - VF
- 60 place 150 mile - 2500 b - HC
GR FATHER OF MANY MANY super races and breeders !