42015 is a Full Sibling to 1762 who was 138th in Victoria Falls Final YB Race vs 1128 birds sent....38th ACE Bird,...14th Grand Ave Bird,... 19th OVERALL Bird (1,389 Total entries) against 30 Lofts and about 2000 birds sent from all over the world...1762 then went on to fly the Vic Falls Yearling Seires duing well..... The Sire's Brother (1st @ 350) & Sister (1st @ 300) each have won races...The Dam won me $ 1700+ in a great OLR......I only sent out 1762 & 1763 of this pair. Both made it through the total YB series. Thats remakably good for sending just 2 from this pair... I have done the ground work for you.