Band: CC-CHICAGO-216-2024
Sex: Male (Cock)
Color: Blue Bar
Hatched: 11/17/24
• Inbred Grandson of world-famous Wolverine (one of GFL’s Greatest Breeders).
• Grandson of Marple (Victoria Falls Champ).
• GGs of Rocket & Mona Lisa
The legendary blood of Wolverine, Marple, Rocket and Mona Lisa, all bred into one beautiful pigeon (with Wolverine on both the Sire and Dam sides of her pedigree). A beautiful well-built breeder who will pass on their royal lineage!
GFL’s “WOLVERINE”, should need no introduction. Arguably the #1 bloodline for One Loft Races in the world. Over $1,000,000 (ONE MILLION USD) has been won with WOLVERINE bloodline. This Family excels at 200 to 400 miles, head winds, Hot Weather tough races.
Some of the “Wolverine” bloodline top winners:
RED MONKEY - 1st place Victoria Falls Final race, winning $200,000.00 USD;
HILDABEAST - Winner of 2nd Place, 2 bird drop, Hoosier Classic 350 miles Final race 2020, winning $175,000.00 USD
MIKE HAS A VERY GOOD ONE - winner of $100,000.00 in South African Million Dollar Race; Gr. mother to more than $500,000 USD in winnings.
JAWS 1 - 2nd Place Victoria Falls Final race, winning $100,000.00 USD
PIRATE - 3rd Place, 2nd ACE Pigeon Crooked River Final winning $62,173.00 USD, 350 miles 2020.
THRILLER - 1st Place Southern Belle Final 2020, 323 miles, winning $53,650 US
1st Place Winner 2023 Crooked River Final Race was an inbred grandson of Wolverine!!
"Wolverine’s” bloodline scored big again in 2022, this time in the Crooked River for the Ward family winning 4th Equal 1st at 360 miles & 1st Ace Pigeon winning over $70,000 with an inbred grandchild of "Wolverine"!!
"Wolverine" also hit recently in the Victoria Falls final race at 370 miles, scoring 12th & 15th place for Vasquez Loft and Equal 1st Blue Bucket Final at 350 miles for John Karnofel!!!