Need to make room for other Breeders I want to try. Keeping his nest brother and letting this one go.
Sire is from the legendary Dirk Van Den Bulck most famous lines for speed and proven by multiple generations of birds now. His sire is a grandson of Kittel and is Dam is a grandaughter of Best Kittel imported from PIPA early 2023. Couldn't get him into the race season in time. His ready to breed this winter.
Sire NLD-20-1019329, a grandson of Kittel on the Sire side and Grandson of Kleine Rode, a Half Brother to Kittel (same sire BEL-08-6139996 De Goede Rode).
Dam DV-22-02802-504 has the best blood from OLR winning birds from the Romario lines (e.g. Thomas 6 and many others) as well as from Pebbles. She also has the best blood from the king of speed Best Kittel who is 1st National Ace Bird KBDB Sprint 2017 and is also father and grandfather to numerous 1st place prizes in lofts around the globe.