Lot #12: “Leo Lolita” ARPU-23-71568 BB Hen
Granddaughter of two top performers “Natonal Leo” 1st National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance Holland and “Sizzel” winner 8 x 1st.
Sire: “Son Sizzel” is a son of “Sizzel” winner of 8 x 1st prize, 7 x 2nd prize, 8 x 3rd prize, his brother won 17 x 1st!! He was paired to “Eleni” is a full sister to “Lucky” super breeder, sire of 5 different OLR winners including 400 mile Flying D OLR winner. His full sister was 1st OLR 307 miles, another sister was 1st Cuevas Classic 200 miles, another sister was 4 x 1st. She is also a granddaughter of “Olympic Gusta”
Dam: “Dau. National Leo” Daughter of “National Leo” winner of 1st National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance Holland 2015. Also 4th National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance PIPA Rankings. Winning 5 x 1st prize! Pure Leo Heremans. He was paired to “Lolita” original Leo Heremans and full sister to “Vooruit” winner of 2 x 1st and sold for 30,000 euros. She is a off a full brother to “Bolt” 1st National Ace Pigeon YBS KBDB paired to a full sister of “Gabriella” 4th National Ace Pigeon YBS KBDB and granddaughter of “Nieuwe Rossi”