AU24-33878 is great body and one pintail. She has already received PMV, KM-1, Canker, and lice treatment. Look at her family performance at OLR.
Her brother AU24-96191 got Eq 1st of 6th place in 100 miles. Eq 1st of 13rd place in 150 miles at Orlando Golden Classic.
Her mother is Doria AU23-13962 got 64th Avg speed speed overall 2176 birds entrees Apple Cup
Her father is Legend 301 AU23-10301 won Eq 1st of the 2nd place 2 seconds behind the first in the final 350 miles and 14th average speed over all 339 birds entering the Continental Classic Race 2023.
Her grand-mother, Melissa AU17-4974, won Eq. 1st of 4th place 4 seconds behind the first in the final 325 miles of Mercedes Classic 2017.
Melissa son is Soren AU20-13099 won 9th in the final 325 miles @ Breeders Fall Classic.
Melissa full sister is Stella AU17-494, won Eq 1st of 11th place 15 seconds behind the first in the final 325 miles of Mercedes Classic 2017
Her grand-grand-mother, Miss Mercedes AU16-33633, won Eq 1st of 3rd place 25 seconds behind the first in the final 325 miles & won 2nd average speed Mercedes 2016. Those are my proven bloodline from the base breeder "Haykin Jr. & Bonnie"
I need to cut down my birds. I only offer to sell one bird from Legend 301 at this year. You will like and love him when you receive him. Thank you very much and good luck for the breeding season coming up.