2022 NL 8668320 BC Cock Son of SUPER BREEDER Florian Hendriks This is a special cock
Brother 081 is full brother to Kleine Gerard Brother 081 is a Super Breeder and racer for Florian Hendriks he won 1/1290 Bourges 2/8278 NPO Bourges, 1/507 Montlucon, 4th/1310 NPO Montlucon, 1/1721 Lorris, 5/5537 NPO Lorris , 1/1292 Rethel 13/10,912 Provincial Rethel. the mother to SUPER National 22 NL 8668320 is a daughter of 2 Nationals VALENCE 1st National Valence KBDB 7974 pigeons X Darling Limoges 1st National Limoges KBDB 15, 981 Pigeons. 22 NL 8668320 is a medium size cock full of muscle, energy, compact, great conformation, tight vent , single pintail. I need to cut down due to new work schedule will not have time for the pigeons. here is a beautiful cock with outstanding pedigree. check it out ..