The Van Den Bulck pigeons are well known worldwide. This is a medium sized hen. She has a one pin tail. She is very buoyant and has a strong back. She was bred for breeding purposes. I have too many birds and need to cut down on my stock birds. You will find some of the best of the Kittel family on her pedigree.
Her sire is grandson of Kittel. Her sire is also a son of "The Rock". 1/2 brother to "Odetta" (9x 1st prizes). "The Rock" is also a double grandson of "Greipel" (6th Nat. Acepigeon spring KBDB 2/1559, 5/1603, 5/1371, 10/1265, etc.).
Her dam is a double granddaugther to Kittel. Nothing but great flyers. This bird will bring success to any loft.