2024 was an important year for my family and for the birds. Without getting into too many details here, we needed to start back at level ground and that mainly was deciding if I was going to pursue my hobby as a side hustle or purely for the enjoyment. Passion always wins and I needed to make the necessary adjustments to put my hobby back in the leisure activity area of my life. I'm excited to have spent the past few months totally enjoying the pigeons and also fostering that enjoyment in my boys. My youngest, Levi, has the bug a bit more than my older son. I'm delighted to have him joining me on working toward taking a team to the races in 2025. After having many ask for a return to videos in the later half of 2024, I decided to document it on the channel. As for selling pigeons, that will no longer be a focus. I will surely have some available following the youngbird season, pigeons that will not be carried over into breeding or be used for old birds, as we just don't have the time in our busy schedules for more than one racing season per year. I will ONLY make these birds available for sale here at iPigeon.
Thank you for your support and trust for quality pigeons over the years. It is always a joy to hear how my birds have produced for you! I hope everyone has a great 2025 and enjoys their birds as that is the most important aspect of this hobby and sport. I also hope you'll watch our videos and enjoy the journey of the GBL Pigeons.