NL23-9334859 ‘Son Alivierro’
Original Peter Van De Merwe
Father is Nr. 1 V/D Merwe breeder ‘Alivierro’
, 1. NPO Ruffec 4.133 birds & grandfather
to 4 different 1. NPO winners
Mother is from super racer ‘Black Jack’ x national ace ‘Kim’
- Father is ‘Alivierro’
, amazing racer & breeder from ‘Big John Jr.
’ x ‘Fenna’
Winner of
1. NPO Ruffec 4.133 birds
8. prov. Peronne 19.772 birds
11. NPO Nanteuil 16.722 birds
44. prov. Morlincourt 11.191 birds
Grandfather to ‘Virginie’
1. NPO Fontenay 17.630 birds
Grandfather to ‘Ineke’
1. NPO Pont St. Max. 12.240 birds
Grandfather to ‘Super Vaaltje’
1. prov. Lennik 39.125 birds
1. Nanteuil 2.819 birds / 7. prov. 35.017 birds
Grandfather to ‘Jannie’
1. NPO Chateauroux 5.369 birds
Grandfather to ‘Romil’
1. Nat. ace middle distance YB PIPA ranking 2020
2. Nat. ace middle distance YB EFS 2020
7. NPO Pont St. Max. 19.399 birds
26. NPO Fontenay 15.396 birds
103. NPO Peronne 28.284 birds
Also grandfather to winners of a.o.
1. Nat. Orleans 6.556 birds
1. Niergnies 3.393 birds (‘Saar’)
1. Nanteuil 3.086 birds (‘Maxien’)
1. Arras 1.503 birds
1. Issoudun 1.173 birds
1. Duffel 2.361 birds
1. Nanteuil 1.936 birds
1. Roye 836 birds
1. Arras 529 birds
1. prov. ace long distance Afd. 5
2. Nat. ace PIPA ranking YB 2018 (‘Max’)
2. NPO Roye 20.172 birds (‘Lisa’)
2. Arras 3.713 birds
4. prov. Arras 12.475 birds
4. prov. Melun 9.656 birds (‘Maxien’)
4. NPO Fontenay 17.630 birds
5. NPO Issoudun 10.850 birds
5. NPO Sens 8.862 birds
6. Nat. ace PIPA ranking YB 2022
6. Nat. ace PIPA ranking YL 2020 (‘Kim’)
6. NPO Roye 20.172 birds (‘Luna’)
6. NPO Fontenay 17.630 birds (‘Kim’)
6. Nat Orleans 6.556 birds
6. NPO Issoudun 2.046 birds
7. NPO Pont St. Max 33.636 birds
7. NPO Pont St. Max 19.399 birds
7. NPO Fontenay 17.630 birds
8. prov. Pont St. Max 35.038 birds
8. NPO Pointoise 15.429 birds
8. prov. Pont St.Max 12.321 birds
8. NPO Nanteuil 19.066 birds
9. NPO Pont St. Max 6.896 birds
10. NPO Pont St Max 33.636 birds
11. NPO Fontenay 17.629 birds
13. NPO Issoudun 5.267 birds
Also at least 25x top 50 NPO/Nat.
Brother of ‘Adele’
2. Nat. ace WHZB/TBOTB YB 2015
3. Nat. ace PIPA ranking YB 2015
2. prov. Pont St. Max. 11.162 birds
1. Morlincourt 938 birds
2. Duffel 1.064 birds
17. Nanteuil 7.763 birds
Bred from ‘Big John Jr.
’ V/D Auwera
‘Big John Jr.
’ is brother of
1. prov. ace KBDB middle distance
1. Dourdan 1.291 birds
1. Noyon 456 birds
‘Big John Jr.
’ is bred from brother of ‘Kim’ V/D Wouwer
1. Nat. Gueret 14.245 birds
Bred from daughter of ‘Replay’
Offspring won at least 10x 1. NPO
The base breeder Peter V/D Merwe
- Mother is young daughter from super racer ‘Black Jack’ x national ace ‘Kim’
Bred from ‘Black Jack’
1. Chateauroux 1.163 birds 2016
8. Nat. Chateauroux 44.332 birds 2016
1. Pont St. Max. 513 birds / 7. prov. 12.189 birds
2. Mantes la Jolie 344 birds / 23. semi prov. 7.517 birds
Also 3.
-6. local
‘Black Jack’ is grandfather to
2. NPO Quievrain 15.270 birds
2. Quievrain 7.761 birds
2. Nanteuil 3.086 birds
2. Quievrain 2.391 birds
2. Quievrain 1.896 birds
3. NPO Melun 9.656 birds
5. NPO Nanteuil 12.413 birds
8. Duffel 2.940 birds
9. Melun 1.994 birds
‘Black Jack’ is grandson ‘Replay’
Offspring won at least 10x 1. NPO
The base breeder Peter V/D Merwe
Bred from ‘Kim’
6. Nat. ace PIPA ranking YL 2020
6. NPO Fontenay 17.630 birds
6. Quievrain 1.400 birds
9. Lennik 1.202 birds
10. NPO Pontoise 3.173 birds
12. Nat. Pontoise 8.068 birds
13. Pont St. Max. 3.477 birds
17. Peronne 1.954 birds
19. Peronne 7.103 birds
45. prov. Peronne 16.670 birds
‘Kim’ is sister of ‘Max’
2. Nat. ace PIPA ranking YB 2018
‘Kim’ is halfsister of ‘Ineke’
1. NPO Pont St. Max. 12.240 birds
‘Kim’ is granddaughter of ‘Alivierro’
1. NPO Ruffec 4.133 birds
Also 8.
-44. NPO/prov.
‘Kim’ is granddaughter of ‘Jill’
1. Nat. ace PIPA ranking YB 2015
4. Nat. ace WHZB YB 2015
‘Kim’ is granddaughter of ‘Gold Dust’ V/D Bulck
The best breeding sister of ‘Kittel’ in the world