This is the cock for you - the one you're looking for to breed you top champion One Loft racers! So handsome, super strong, smart and full of energy!!! Both of his wings vibrate. He's got it ALL!
Sire is chock full of the sport's best: Schellens, Gebr. Jannsen, and A u H Klaas! His nestmate was the Eq. FIRST DROP MONEY WINNER winning $40,000!!! CA OLR winners abound from the sire's bloodline - CA State Race, Holiday Cup, and another Royal Cup equal 1st money winner!
On the Dam's side, she's a super inbred pigeon from the very best line of Vandenabeele! Bred from a grandson Rudy x daughter Rudy. Father is King Bliksem, grandson of the two legends from Vandenabeele: Rudy & Bliksem! Rudy is father to New Bliksem, winner of 1. Tulle national 5.731 p. Rudy is father to Super Romeo, 1. National Ace Bird Long Distance Yls KBDB. Mother is Queen Rudy, direct son to legend Rudy from Gaby Vandenabeele when mated to a daughter from Neptunus x Daughter Champion Hebberecht & full sister to Spy, winner of 2. Prize Final Race SAMDPR 2010 but also to Lion King, winner of:
1. Tours provincial 1,345p., 5. Bourges provincial 2,054 p., 14. Argenton National 19,816 p., 37. Limoges National 6,810 p. & 40. Souillac National 7,760p!!!
This cock's full of all of the champions you need and is definitely the one your loft needs!!!