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More Birds Coming by Midweek
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item #: 110943

The mountains of Western NC experienced a natural disaster due to Hurricane Helene - floods, landslides, tornadoes, etc. I've had to take a break from posting for a couple weeks as I was with a team responding by taking supplies and spending time in the mountains helping reach residents cut off by the conditions. I will have birds coming again, hopefully by midweek this week. Stay tuned.

Item Owner
wgbloft View Sellers Auctions
Payment Accepted
Visa, Mastercard, Discover
Shipping Costs
From the same Seller: 1 bird = $60; each additional = $10
Shipping Limits
Will Ship Anywhere; Out of USA will incur extra charges
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Time Left


Current Bid
Starting Bid
$ 123456789.00
Viewed by 24
Started 10/13/2024 07:19:00
Ends 10/20/2024 21:00:00
Farmville, North Carolina, USA
Auction TypeStandard
All times are central