GBL 409 is a very nice young male from the best of our “Red Danial” Staf Van Reet family!! He is built extremely well being medium in size, with silky soft feathers, a strong body with lively supple muscles, buoyancy, great wings, a pin tail, tight strong vents and orange yellow eyes. Checking out his back wing in the video with short arm bone, I would pair this cock with another hen with strong OLR bloodlines and watch out!! You should have birds that can’t be beat in those 300-350 miles finals!! He was bred from my first round and was one of only a handful that survived the early hawk pressure and then performed very nicely with my summer training.
GBL 409’s’s father is “American Max”, a son of “Max” & “Miss America”, one of my favorite from 2023. I trained his extensively last year and decided to stock him and two of his sisters. That was a very good decision as the quality of young has exceeded my expectations. GBL 409’s mother is “Lady Request” who is daughter of the famous “Hooligan” & “Her Request” - so many winners and great breeders from these birds like “Greg’s Pick”, “1318” and “Your Majesty” to name a few.
I breed my “Red Danial” Staf Van Reet pigeons straight, with the occasional cross bird, so that when you bring the blood to your loft the result is hybrid vigor. Whether you already have your own family of pigeons or SVR birds, GBL-409 has the goods to be a top breeding cock and great addition to any program!! Greg McKnight reports weekly during the season of top performances for these birds in the toughest of competitions here in the USA!!
Thank you for your interest in Graham Byrum Loft Racing Pigeons. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at Good luck bidding!!