BLOSSEM - Direct Daughter of ROOSKIE & ANGELA!! Great Granddaughter of SAID IN SPUN SILVER - SANJAY 1 - PRIME TIME & JERSEY BOY!!
SAID IN SPUN SILVER and SANJAY 1, both winners in South Africa Million Dollar Race!! Said in Spun Sllver was 2nd place South Africa Million Dollar Race in 2012. There were 2 birds that arrived together. UNTAMED DESERT (NL 1231153-12) and SAID IN SPUN SILVER. UNTAMED DESERT walked in first place. These 2 winning pigeons won over $345,000 USD. They raced against 2,793 birds from 593 km with temperatures over 98 degrees and 100% humidity. In the number 1 pigeon race in the world SAID IN SPUN SILVER also won 23rd Place 380 km 2,960 birds Care Race #5, 1st Pláce Knockout Winner, 4th Place Grand Average Winner!!
PRIME TIME - Direct son of foundation breeding pair THE NATURAL & MONA LISA!! MONA LISA - The greatest breeding hen Mike Ganus has ever bred!!
JERSEY BOY won the PAOF Futurity in the Central Jersey Combine by nearly 9 minutes vs 729 birds, 84 lofts at 350 miles!! JERSEY BOY is also full brother to DEISHER 54-14 who on September 27th, 2014 was a big winner in the Coast to Coast Futurity, flying a distance of 269 miles, Arlt & Son Loft won 4th place vs 1,942 birds, 106 lofts!!