55-17 is a beautiful blue hen that is a cross primarily between the supers of Antoine Jacops Vorselaar Belgium and the supers of Willy Ceulemans Belgium. Also appearing in 55-17’s pedigree are the supers of Flor Engels Belgium, Flor Vervoort Belgium &Mike Ganus USA Hofkens PHANTOM, and the GOLDEN WITTEN of Ludo ClaessensPutte Holland. Five of 55’s seven young bird races were clocked within 38 minutes of the birds that clocked first in the race. Her best combine race was a 5th prize against 218 pigeons from 303 miles/485 kilometers. Her father is a son of OMEGA DIAMOND, the last son of Antoine Jacops famous long distance super, the DIAMOND ACE. The DIAMOND ACE was a 1stProvincialLong Distance Ace in the Antwerp Union and a full brother to two 1st Provinces Aces: the SUPER ACE and the WITPEN ACE. Lamberton Racing Pigeons was fortunately able to purchase the OMEGA DIAMOND and bring him to our breeding loft in Oklahoma where he continued to be an excellent breeder. The OMEGA DIAMOND’S pedigree represents Antoine’s very best pigeons crossed on absolute supers from Flor Engels Belgium. Flor Engels was very good friends with Antoine Jacops and they traded their best pigeons to one another. We had the very great privilege of visiting Flor Engels with Antoine and listening to his strategy and viewing his pigeons. We photographed Mr. Engels and Antoine together holding a 1st National winner.It was a fabulous experience. Antoine’s Flor Engels breeders were bred down from the OUDE LICHT and DEN 231: two of Engels best breeders that significantly contributed to the success of his family of pigeons.To summarize, the OMEGA DIAMOND represents the very best racing pigeons of two of the most successful fanciers in Belgium. The mother of 55-17 is GLENDA, a 1st drop race winner in the 2013 CBS Twister Young Bird Futurity. GLENDA is a very fast young bird bred from two AU Champions. GLENDA is primarily from the Willy Ceulemans family of pigeons that features two 1st Provincial Aces, the OBELIX and the GOLDEN VALE. GLENDA also contains the fantastic Janssen Brothers pigeons directly from the Brothers and from Rene Truyen. Rene used to run errands for the Janssen Brothers and was often reimbursed in their fabulous pigeons. We knew Rene Truyen and his wife and have been guests in their home and have handled Rene’s pigeons. They were remarkable and was the pigeons of the Janssen Brothers! GLENDA was not first on the drop by accident. She is not a great breeder by accident. Her genetic composition is comprised of super pigeons tested in the races. We believe that 55-15 will make an excellent breeder like her ancestors.