Racing results OLR. Markus Sollner
1. FCI OLR World Champion 2018 2 races – 21 OLR races
1. FCI OLR World Champion 2018 4 races – 21 OLR races
FCI As Golden Race Greece
1. Final 380 km 985m/min
6. and 8. Semifinal 280 km
FCI Sofia OLR Bulgaria
8., 12. and 25. Final 420 km
15. and 19. Semifinal 265 km
FCI Derby Mediterraneo Spain
44. Final 518 km
3. and 53. Semifinal 300 km
FCI Black Sea OLR Romania
30. and 34. Final 405 km
7. and 75. Semifinal 325 km
8. and 22. Acepigeons
FCI Derby Riachos Portugal
17., 34. and 55. Final 320 km
21., 51. and 59. Semifinal 225 km
10. and 13. Acepigeons
FCI Derby Corabia Romania
7. and 60. Final 525 km
14. and 75. Semifinal 225 km
10., 16. and 23 FCI Final 368 km
6. Acepigeon General
11. Acepigeon Longdistance
FCI Superstar Romania
17., 82. and 90. Final 460 km
11. Acepigeon
1. OLR World League 2018 Hot Spot
1. OLR World League 2018 Master World Cup
1. OLR World League 2018 Master World Cup
1. OLR World League 2018 Longdistance
2. OLR World League 2018 Sprint
2., 21. and 87. Final 400 km
Derby Sevilla Spain
24. and 93. Final 420 km
16. and 18. Acepigeons
FCI Fast Pigeons Rimini Italy
2. and 72. Final 385 km
25. Acepigeon
Balcanic Golden Race Romania
9. and 16. Final 550 km
4. and 14. Acepigeons
FCI Algarve Great Derby Portugal
38., 59 and 61. Final 414 km
5. and 16. Acepigeons
FCI Romania Golden Pigeon
15. and 26. Final 430 km
Derby Moldavia
43., 50. and 71. Final 520 km
FCI Halkidiki Greece
15. and 17. Final 325 km
1. Acepigeon
FCI Derby Riachos Portugal
7., 22. and 41. Final 383 km
5. and 18. Acepigeons
FCI Derby Corabia Romania
38. and 61. Final 525 km
17. Acepigeon
FCI Derby Cartaxo Portugal
40. Final 214 km
FCI Derby Costa de la Luz Spain
53., 57. and 88. Final 426 km
1. Semifinal 282 km
FCI Superstar Romania
3., 38. and 86. Final 380 km
15. Superderby
The pigeons:
Especially 2 lines dominate the loft – MESSI and the BALKAN KOPPEL.
BALKAN KOPPEL are parents to:
– 10-1716 EL GRECO – 1. OLR Balkanic Fair Play 450 km Romania (Final)
Grandparents to:
– 16-0693 – 2. Corabia OLR, 3. Acepigeon (CAR WINNER)!
– 15-1060 – 15. Corabia OLR 525 km
– 17-0549 – 1. AS Golden Race in Greece 380 km, 11. Acepigeon.
– 17-0550 – 8. OLR Solfia in Bulgaria 420 km, 13. Acepigeon.
– RO-15-22227 – 1. Romania Golden Pigeons 450 km – 40 min ahead the next pigeon – 2. Acepigeon! (Bred by Andrei Marius)
– BG-19-60025 – 1. Price Sofia OLR 420 km.
And MESSI – offspring of Messi won:
Car winner by Corabia Derby 2016
1. prize final race Corabia Derby 2014 – 565km
1. acebird Corabia Derby Romania 2014
1. prize final race Romanian Golden Pigeon 2015
1. prize final race derby Riachos 2014
1. acebird Derby Riachos 2014
1. acebird Derby Superstar 2016
1. acebird Talent Quatro 2016 Czech Republic – sold for 26000 Euro
1. Time Ace Talent Quatro 2016 Czech Republic
1. acebird Aripi de Curcubeu 2014
1. acebird Euro Alpin OLR 2015
1. prize semifinal race 300km Moldavia 2014
1. prize semifinal race 300km Moldavia 2015
1. prize Hot Spot 5 – 452km Carnival City
1. prize 128km race Carnival City
1. prize Hot Spot 1 Derby Luzense 140km
2. prize final race Corabia Derby 2016 – 565km
2. prize final race Talent Quatro – 419km
2. prize final race 520km in Moldavia
2. prize final race 460km Derby Superstar 2016
2. acebird Romanian Golden Pigeon 2015
2. acebird long distance Derby Corabia 2014 (515 + 565km)
2. acebird Derby Luzense Portugal
2. acebird Derby Cartaxo 2014
3. acebird Derby Corabia 2016
3. final race Euro Alpin OLR 2015
4. final race Black Sea Race 2015 Corabia 525 km – car pool winner !!!!!!
17. final Superstar OLR 460 km 11.Ace OLR Moldowa 550 km – car pool winner !!!
Buyer has to pay Import fees of $250,This bird is still in the Europe.
For the transport informations of this bird for sale, send a e-mail to : &
The quarentine and transport during 3-5 month !!
Whatsapp : 004915157452138
How does the quarentine works after you bought the bird on ipigeon ?
after the auction ,we wil book the quarentinplace for your bird that you bought on ipigeon and make the quarentin papperworks ready for you
(you wil receive a e-mail of the booking from the quarentinestation)
the bird wil stay 1 month at the quarentinestation in europe and wil be shipped afterword to Canada
in Canada wil the bird stay 90 days at the quarentinestation,afterword the bird wil get shipped to the US,in the between time wil the quarentineagent send you a invoice to pay the 250 usd quarentinefee,the bird wil send to your home after the quarentinefee has been payed
What you need to pay in total ?
price of the bird + 60 usd shippingfee for inside of the US (you pay this to ipigeon) + 250 usd quarentinfee (you pay the 250 usd to the quarentinagent from the US),all the costs you pay in the US !
If you have any question just send my a e-mail :