Super nice young bird direct of a PURE janssen import with the best blood of janssen brothers i could find mated to a bird i kept for myself to breed of this year. I sent out 3 brothers of 3954 all 3 went to at least 300 miles one of them won money $4000 other finish 19th avg speed and the last one went to final race.This birds from 471 are special super consistent can fly very well with head winds and most important they breed very good 3954 is half brother of Schellen Star sire to winners from 100 to 500 miles including a 1st place at 500 miles. This year i only sent 2 brother of 3954 one went to Africa the other to a one loft race due to age of 471 thats the last 2 im keeping the rest. This super nice BC is a longer bird i think it might be a cock but not sure 100 percent.